Why Prime?

At Prime Solutions Training& Consulting, we KNOW technology has changed the way YOU do business.

We also recognise that today’s workplace is vastly different from even five years ago.

Your organisation deserves better quality, simplified technology training to enable staff to maximise their productivity potential.

We believe that for too long, organisations have sent staff off on generic training courses that take up too much time and are not relevant to their work environment.

The very technology that was supposed to make life easier and make us more productive has instead created another layer of problems.

Instead of creating more time, we now seem to have less time resulting in:

  • Increased stress
  • Increased risk
  • Increased costs

At Prime Solutions Training & Consulting we believe that empowering staff to be more productive with software you already own shouldn’t be expensive or stressful. In face we believe WE should do all the hard work for you.

We want to make life easy for organisations to simply get on with their business.

We do this by choosing to work with clients in partnership to develop programs that provide continuing professional development opportunities for staff with tools they use EVERYDAY.

Our solutions are:

  • Easy to implement – we do all the work for you.
  • Customised to YOUR organisations specific needs
  • Outcome focussed

Our solutions focus on:

Reducing organisational stress – when staff are less stressed with technology they are more productive and take less sick days

Simplicity – we take the hard work out of determining what and how things can be done but still ensuring you are across solutions every step of the way

Increased productivity – what’s the point of staff being trained to use tools they will never use? We focus on what they NEED to turbo charge their productivity IMMEDIATELY.

Creating Communities of Practice – our solutions encourage staff to share their learnings with each other and build intellectual capital in everyday technology processes, so when someone leaves, all the workplace knowledge doesn’t walk out the door

Reducing risk – when documentation is correctly set up, the risk of errors being made is reduced and users are confident in the accuracy of data they are reviewing or presenting.